Planetary scanners
The main line of planetary scanners we produce, ElarScan, was developed and based on many years of practical experience in digitizing of a wide variety of originals. Using this equipment, you can quickly and easily scan archival records and stapled folders, court cases, books, magazines, photographs, newspapers, maps, drawings, paintings, any bound, damaged or non-standard binding materials, even museum objects and coins.
Today, our scanners are reliable and productive all-in-one devices, which have received high marks from many of our customers and are deservedly popular.
Our product range includes planetary scanners with a maximum scanning format from A2 to A0, equipped with manual or automated drives to control the pressing glasses and cradle, as well as cameras of various modifications, including advanced versions with high resolution 100 MP photo sensor.
Special modifications of scanners with a deep cradle intended for large, thick and heavy originals, providing the ability to work with objects up to 50 cm thick and weighing up to 50 kg.
You can learn more about the lines and models of our scanners on the website